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Each month, One photographer from the #candidclub will be featured here at the end of every month. A curated online photo gallery of their work and their personal tips and tricks from photography, social media and their favourite candid camera accessory.
28th February 2021
Photographer of the month: Jordan
From: York
Genre Photography: Candid Photography
Photography Instagram:
What first brought your initial interest to photography ?
Jordan: I can remember some of my earliest memories I always had a camera in my hand, whether that being a disposable camera on family holidays, or the old VHS Camcorders. I have a prominent memory in form in Year 11 and my group said I would be a photographer. When looking back, I loved capturing moments which since then have become memories, and as I progressed with my passion and career now, these are the moments I love to shoot the most! I feel as though I’ve always been a creative at heart and have always wanted to work in a creative field, funnily enough which would have always been behind a camera.
Jordan: I can remember some of my earliest memories I always had a camera in my hand, whether that being a disposable camera on family holidays, or the old VHS Camcorders. I have a prominent memory in form in Year 11 and my group said I would be a photographer. When looking back, I loved capturing moments which since then have become memories, and as I progressed with my passion and career now, these are the moments I love to shoot the most! I feel as though I’ve always been a creative at heart and have always wanted to work in a creative field, funnily enough which would have always been behind a camera.

How do you educate yourself to take better pictures ?
You learn from constant trial and error. I don’t believe in ‘practise makes perfect’ as no one can ever be perfect! Practise makes progress, and within the way we practise alters our progress. Life is one big journey and you are always learning and adapting to new locations, lighting and environments when shooting. So don’t get bogged down if you’re not great straight away as no one is. Everyone makes silly mistakes but its they way you adapt from it for next time.
You learn from constant trial and error. I don’t believe in ‘practise makes perfect’ as no one can ever be perfect! Practise makes progress, and within the way we practise alters our progress. Life is one big journey and you are always learning and adapting to new locations, lighting and environments when shooting. So don’t get bogged down if you’re not great straight away as no one is. Everyone makes silly mistakes but its they way you adapt from it for next time.

Among your works, which one is your favourite? and Why ?
Jordan: I couldn’t just answer this with just one, but had to be two. Both from the same trip, and after I captured these, it really struck with me as to why I love photography so much

1. I absolutely love this image as it screams to me travel goals. If I were to have seen this image back in 2016 when my dream holiday was to be a Yachting holiday would have made me so envious and would make me want to be there! To me it captures a perfect sunset moment, with the addition of the silhouette of the model, the backlight from the sunset really defines my favourite thing to shoot with female models, hair movement. I believe hair movement is the most candid thing to shoot for a Tumblr style image.

2. My second image I believe has now defined my style and the images I like to create. It’s a moment a captured and now it is a memory for the couple. Everything was perfect for this picture, the sky colouring, the moon, the wind to create hair movement! (I’m obsessed)
Through these two images it inspired me to continue to create Tumblr style imagery and through #jordanlwsaesthetics I show my collection of these style images
Whose work has influenced you most? -
Jordan: I have to be honest and I told her when I met her for the first time, it has got to Becky as my main source of influence. I saw a new style of photography when I first discovered Becky and she has really defined social media photography. After discovering Becky it brought me out of a massive negative hole with photography. For example of this was during my Media Production degree. There was a photography module and we literally had to go into the streets pick up rubbish and shoot still life of rubbish in a studio. I found this very boring and actually really put me off photography, as weird as it sounds. I literally thought ‘what is the point of this’. So after that, I didn’t see photography as an art form for around three years. I totally disengaged from it and didn’t pick up a camera for those three years, after always having a camera in my hand all my life. However, subconsciously was creating memory moments through snapchat.

Favourite social media tip for photographer?
Jordan: Post & shoot what you want to post & shoot, not what you think other people will engage with the best. By doing this it shows your true style and your character I believe!
What is the one thing you wish you knew when you started taking photography?
Jordan: Don’t worry about your camera gear. It always doesn’t matter about the quality of an image when posting for instagram. I use a wide range of cameras and one of my favourite photos was shot on the iPhone 7, even though I had my Canon 5D over my shoulder. I remember watching a YouTube video not so long back about a film photographer back in the 90s or early 2000s and what he shot with. Brands were expecting expensive cameras and he rocked up with an Olympus Point and shoot Film camera and thats what he shot with for campaigns.
What’s your favourite candid camera strap
Jordan: My favourite camera strap at the moment has to be my black and white DSLR strap. Everyone who knows me will know all I dress in is Black, so it perfectly matches my shooting outfits! However, the new Red DSLR looks like it will be a good pop of colour to my shooting outfits!

If you would like to be featured please send an admission to to be in for a chance.